The Shell – A symbol of St Francis Xavier, highlighting the countless baptisms he conducted during his missionary work.

The Inner Circle – A reference to the Blessed Sacrament, framed by the Cross.

The Red Panels – Sun rays, taken from the logo of Xavier’s Jesuit order, a sign of the new life won by the risen Christ. They also evoke the monstrance that displays the Blessed Sacrament during Eucharistic Adoration.

The Upper Blue Panel – The Southern Cross in the night sky, a sign of Christ’s saving love for the Church in Australia. The three stars allude to the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), while the two stars allude to the Hypostatic Union (Christ being fully human and fully divine).

The Lower Blue Panel – A grape vine, a symbol of Armadale (one of the first vineyards in W.A. was planted here). Also a reference to Christ, who said, “I am the vine; you are the branches,” and who invited his followers to drink the “new wine” of the Kingdom of God. Together, the two blue panels represent the earthly and the heavenly.

The Colour Scheme – Red: The fire of the Holy Spirit / Xavier’s Spanish heritage; Blue: Our Blessed Mother / the oceans that Xavier crossed; Gold: The glory of God / Xavier’s heavenly reward.